
Paper Targets for Shooting Range Success

Posted by Thompson Target Inc on 3rd Aug 2015

Shooting Range Targets

How to Get the Most from Your Range Time

You finally found the time to go to the shooting range, so of course you want to make the most of your range time. You already purchased the right guns, ammo and safety equipment, so don't stop short with cheap, boring long-range images.

In this post we’ll discuss the advantages of expertly designed shooting range targets, including those for competition use. Find out why bright, easy-to-see targets mean greater success at the range.

Quality Long-Range Shooting Targets

For optimal visibility, a long-range shooting target image should be bright, with easy-to-see sights and hits. This goes for competition targets as well, when visibility is key. We offer a wide variety of targets for shooting range enthusiasts, all featuring the best, original graphics.

Just looking to have a little fun at the range? Pick up Thompson's novelty shooting targets that look real, including life-size Zombies, Crazy-Bones assailants, and reactive targets that burst with a bright white halo around every hit.

When you head to an outdoor shooting range, paper targets aren't the only thing you need. Thompson Target's easy Quik-Stand target stand with Clip & Shoot fastening system provides a sturdy, portable, and re-usable backer for your shooting range targets.

Extensive Target Shooting Gallery

Trouble Shooter Training Targets

With so many unique designs to choose from, Thompson provides you with an extensive shooting gallery, including 

targets developed for all rifle, pistol, and shotgun shooting applications. Do you simply enjoy shooting targets for recreation, or do you also want to improve your shooting skills? The popular Trouble-Shooter is a unique range paper shooting target for handguns (and rifles as well) that provides information on diagnosing common shooting errors and how to avoid them using shot group recognition.

Going to the shooting range is both exciting and a great leisure activity. If you aren't able to go as often as you like, then improve on your next visit! Choose Thompson when you're shooting for the best.